Other thoughts

Tidy Market Microstructure (with Niklas Landsberg)
A beginner’s guide to empirical market microstructure, published as a blog at the Tidy Finance website.
guide | R code

The Microstructure Exchange
I co-organize an online seminar series in market microstructure — The Microstructure Exchange. We have academic webinars every second Tuesday, featuring the latest research on financial market structure. For more information and registration, the website is at  https://microstructure.exchange/

Nordic Market Quality
I assisted the Swedish House of Finance in developing market quality measures for stocks listed at Nasdaq Nordic. The measures are available to researchers and students in Finance in Sweden (here). I also wrote a guide to market quality measurement for this purpose (here).

Non-refereed writing (in Swedish)
Utveckling och bedömning av muntlig kommunikation i finansiell ekonomi. Rapporter om Undervisning och Lärande i Högre Utbildning, 2019(4) [full text].
Förbud att Blanka Slår mot Mindre Investerare. [op-ed in Dagens Industri, 2020/03/19]